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Don't just take our word for it

Here's what other people are saying

“A must have for all meat lovers!”

Sunday Star Times

“A heavenly sauce”

Air NZ KiaOra Magazine

“A Top Sauce with layers of flavours!”

The Press

“The Oyster of Sauces!”

The Rock FM

“5 out of 5!”

“6 out of 5”

Charlie – Karamea

“My God it’s good! It is the tastiest sauce I have ever tasted!”

The Rock FM – Morning Rumble

“The Best Sauce in the World!”

ZM 91.3FM Breakfast Show

“You’ve put cocaine in that! It is so addictive!”

Head Chef – Watershed, ChCh

“Best meat sauce ever encountered!”

Ray Gerhard, Perth WA, Australia

“I NEED MORE! I have tried many different sauces for my ribs, including award winning recipes from the US. Yours is the best I have tasted.”

Nick, Restaurateur, Melbourne, Australia

“I live on a lovely island called Australia. We are however unable to produce a decent sauce. I was lucky enough to be introduced to your Wild Meat Sauce and have decided it is the finest sauce ever produced.”

Ben Goodman, Australia

“Last night I had great pleasure in eating the pulled pork recipe, fantastic.  Thank you for the conversion to your great sauce.”

Rebecca Fawcett, TV Producer, “What Now” Show

“Where have you been all my life you saucy bitch?“

Alan B.  BBQ Chef and Author – Auckland

“The Best Sauce Ever! I love your sauce on everything, it is a true winner on my dinner plate. You should get it into Australian supermarkets. Keep up the good work!”

Jeff N.S.W Australia

“You guys are sensational for keeping us carnivores happy….  you have me hooked on this stuff. It’s not fair, I’m gonna need counselling to get off it, that’s if I wanted to get off it”

Karl Hemsley, Australia

“Best Sauce EVER! Period!”

Dan McCort

“Glasseye Creek accompanied a local sausage roll and the sauce took that thing to levels unseen in these parts…Thanks for giving mankind this sauce…lord knows we needed it!!!”

Nathan, Newrybar, Australia

“Best Sauce in the World! I have never tasted better, honestly I’d leave the wife (but she buys it for me) and turn gay for this sauce its that damn good! ”

Mike Mills, Nelson, NZ

“Sauce to DIE for…it is going on EVERYTHING these days……YUMMO SCRUMMO…”

Rachel Gallagher, Auckland

“Best bloody meat sauce around mate! Top job!”

Jordie, Taupo, NZ

“I tried your sauce at the Sydney food and wine show and bought only 2 bottles that have been promptly used on everything! I just ran out and can’t find anywhere to buy it here or online. If there is anyway for me to get my hands on a bottle PLEASE LET ME KNOW. Otherwise you are cruel and sadistic for making such an unbelievable sauce and not letting me have it!! Maybe it’s a Kiwi joke, you guys sit there and laugh at the Aussie junkies you have created – hahahaha!!!
Thanks so much, hope to hear from you soon with good news.”

Alicia Boyden – Addict, Australia

” Turns Mutton into Lamb”

Manager –Verkerks Smallgoods NZ

“Just wanted to let you guys know your Glasseye Creek sauce is awesome on the barbie… I love trying sauces and on an eye fillet this stuff is the best, and it seems to enhance the taste of the beer in ones hand. You guys have it ‘down pat’! Kiwis just know how to get the taste buds rumbling.  I’ll order a few bottles.  Onya guys there isn’t enough quality products like this around anymore.”

Nigel Brown, Australia

“It is quite simply the best sauce I have ever tasted”

Brenda, Saskatchewan, Canada

“Best BBQ Sauce! Best Meat Sauce! Simple.
Glasseye Creek has changed my thinking as to what a top BBQ sauce is all about!
Damn you guys, now I have a pantry full of the wrong sauces and I can’t buy your sauce in the USA yet!”

Tony Lyle, BBQ Pitmaster, Texas, USA

“Your sauce is heroic!”

Bill Gosnell – Christchurch

“Awesome best sauce I have ever had. I travelled all over the USA and I rate this sauce better than any I have tried over there on every type of meat and seafood… I will clean out my pantry and sing the praises
of this sauce to all my friends… Thanks again!”

Guy Gibson, Western Australia

“Brother got some on a holiday and loved it. Have now run out and having withdrawal symptoms. Back to putting bundy rum on everything. Can you help me!!!”

Craig Couchman, Australia

“This sauce makes me homesick for NZ,
can’t have a meal without it!’ Paul Hammersley”

Kiwi jockey riding in Australia.

“Thank you Shane Wratt and Glasseye Creek for making the best meat sauce ever! Our customers rave about it as a side sauce and our lamb shank recipe with your sauce is our number 1 dish! Cheers guys….look forward to your new sauces!”

Jemma, Chef and Restaurateur, Auckland

“Brilliant sauce, brilliant branding, brilliant story – well done for making it happen! Dave must have been one hell of a mate!“

Amelia – Wellington

“God would eat this (Or is he a vegetarian?)”

Black Sheep – Christchurch

“The best thing about this famous sauce called Glasseye Creek, is that it is so far only famous in Aotearoa! Keep the secret mate!”

Dodgy – TV Producer, Auckland

 “It was the winner of the day…delish!
I’ve used it in my Shephards Pie & it’s become the dish that all of my children now eat.
Kudos on such a unique product.”

Anna Dixon, Victoria, Australia

“MATE!…your sauce is better than my VY Holden ute, and that takes some beatin….”

Kevin Pritchard, Tokoroa

“Thanks for Inventing your yummy yummy yummy sauce . I love it so much on slow smoked ribs and steak with eggs and sausages . Can you please make the bottle more comfy so i can sleep with it?”

Dan Miller, Australia

“It was awesome to visit New Zealand and taste the world’s best BBQ Sauce. It was not so awesome to know that it is not made in America!”

Allen McClintock, Boston, NY, USA.

“If it  was a woman I’d marry it I swear! I used to be a chef and am amazed at this sauce at how many things it goes with. You guys put the manufactures of mass produced poo to shame, I wont name names but they know who they are!”

Karl Hemsley, Sydney, Australia